The first step in performing this match is called scanning, or lexical analysis. 执行此匹配的第一步叫做扫描或词法分析。
The same pattern that applies to parsing and lexical analysis of freeform names and addresses can be applied to standardize and de-duplicate product listings or parts for enhanced inventory control. 对应用于自由格式姓名和地址的解析与词法分析的模式,也可以应用于对产品清单或增强的库存控制部分进行标准化和重复项消除。
The automatic generation of military instruction is mainly concentrated with Chinese lexical analysis, grammar analysis, and instruction coding. 作战指令的自动化生成主要涉及到汉语分词技术、语法分析和代码生成。
Syntax Notes: In this and the following chapters, extended BNF notation will be used to describe syntax, not lexical analysis. When ( one alternative of) a syntax rule has the form. 句法注意:在本章和之后的章节中,描述句法时使用与词法分析时不同的扩展BNF记法。当某个句法规则(可能是可选的)具有如下形式。
Perform lexical analysis program called lexical analyzer or scanner ( Scanner). 执行词法分析的程序称为词法分析程序或扫描程序(Scanner)。
Lexical analyzer constructed by hand, understanding the process of lexical analysis principles in order to better understand the compiler theory. 通过手工构造词法分析器,理解词法分析的过程原理,从而更好的理解编译原理。
The Corpus-based Lexical Analysis of Australian News 基于语料库的澳大利亚新闻英语词汇的研究
First, it improves the efficiency of the lexical analysis during the parsing of the view state string since there is no longer any need to match characters or parse tokens. 第一个目的是改进解析ViewState字符串时进行词法分析的效率,因为此时不再需要匹配字符或解析标记。
Lexical analysis of the main tasks are: to scan source code character by character from left to right, resulting in one word ( Token), also check the source of lexical errors. 词法分析的主要任务是:从左到右逐个字符地扫描源程序,产生一个个单词(Token),同时检查源程序中的词法错误。
It uses recursive manner of a top-down version of the lexical analysis. 它采用了递归的方式由上而下的对一个文本的词法进行分析。
Improved Lexical Analysis and Its Implementation in C-like Language 一种改进的词法分析程序及其类C语言实现
A New Method of Realizing Thompson algorithm in Lexical Analysis 一种实现Thompson算法的新方法
The purpose of lexical analysis is to identify the words in the sentence and mark them with the syntactic tagging such as part of speech, and semantic tagging. 词法分析的目的是找出句子中的各个词,进而给这些词添加上句法范畴标记乃至语义范畴标记。
A Comparative Lexical Analysis of British Maritime Law and General Legal English 英国海商法与普通法律英语的词汇对比分析
Class library plays the vital role in the construction of compiler by object-oriented method and lexical analysis class library is an important part of object-oriented compiling class library. 类库在编译程序的面向对象构造过程中起重要作用,词法分析类库是编译类库的重要组成部分。
Lexical Analysis Based on Corpus of Authentic English TV Shows and Corpus of College English Textbooks 基于自建英文原版电视剧语料库与大学英语教材语料库的词汇分析研究
The system carrys through lexical analysis, grammar analysis, fluffing check and finally creating user-defined aim code. 本系统针对源程序进行词法分析、语法分析、出错检测,并最终生成自定义的目标代码。
Automatic segmentation is a key step in the Chinese lexical analysis, because Chinese sentences are composed with the string of characters without spaces to mark word boundaries. 自动分词是中文词法分析的关键一步,与西方语言不同,中文的词和词之间没有显性的分隔标记。
Research on the Design Strategy of Alert Rules and Lexical Analysis 报警规则设计策略及其词法分析研究
The procedure is one of the lexical analysis procedure. 这个程序是一个关于词法的分析程序。
The work in the first phase is to complete the lexical analysis and syntax analysis of ATLAS. 第一期的工作是完成ATLAS语言的词法分析和语法分析;
The identification is based on the combination of lexical analysis and domain knowledge analysis. 实现了基于词汇分析技术和基于领域知识计算相结合的方式下,受限领域中文文本内容主题概念的识别。
This paper discusses the lexical analysis and morphological analysis in Chinese natural language retrieval. 本文对自然语言检索中的词法分析处理进行了探讨。
The coding process accomplishes Lexical Analysis, Syntactic Analysis and processing information storage to interpolation modular. 译码过程完成了词法分析和语法分析并存储加工信息以用于插补模块。
The compiler front-end includes lexical analysis, syntax analysis and semantic analysis. 编译器前端包括词法分析器、语法分析器和中间代码生成器等。
This dissertation constructed a two-level statistical model for Chinese lexical analysis and Mongolian morphological analysis. 本文构建了统计模型,对汉语和蒙古语进行了切词和词性标注处理。
The application of lexical analysis and syntax analysis to syntax checking of flights scheduling was discussed in detail. 详细探讨了词法分析和语法分析技术在航班句法检查中的运用。
This paper analyzed problems encountered in the automatic modeling process such as data compatibility and structure legalization, and then proposed a method which solved problems through lexical analysis and syntax analysis. 分析了自动建模过程中遇到的数据兼容性和结构合法化问题,提出了通过词法分析和语法分析解决问题的方法和实践。
Question analysis includes lexical analysis, question classification, syntactic analysis, keyword selection and keyword extension. 问题理解包括:词法分析、问题分类、句法分析、关键词提取和扩展。